About US

One of the biggest challenges our generation is facing is the skewed relationship we have with food. Our diet is the key to good health and Supriya Madan, a natural therapy practitioner, guides you to understand the healing properties of food and how to achieve overall well-being.

Supriya Madan a Natural therapy practitioner, supports achieving ideal health by assessing the patterns of imbalance in the mind and body by discovering the root cause of their problems. With her knowledge of natural therapy and Ayurveda, she guides you to achieve your best health!



It began in 1994 in New Delhi when Supriya's mother started keeping unwell, and they visited several health centers to get treatment, but nothing worked in their favor. That's when someone suggested them Naturopathy Center, where her mother was taken and she went through natural therapies, which helped her recovery. Changes in  diet, correct food combinations and natural therapies trigger the body to heal, recover and be free of health and skin issues. Nature cure supports the body to recover.

After seeing this magic unfold in front of her own eyes, she started seeing the world through different lenses and embarked on a journey to discover a compassionate and natural cure for seekers. She started training in the field of Nature Cure to support health and healing through nature and the five elements of nature.

She was a Naturopathy practitioner in India since 1997, international patients would come there and she would address and treat their health issues through naturopathy and wellness. Natural therapies are inspired by nature and these therapies are focused on healing not curing. It's all about finding the root cause of the bodily problems and healing them from the core. It consists of steam and sauna baths that aid in bringing the toxins to the outer layer of the skin and is soaked in different kinds of herbs. She also uses mud and herb therapy as an application, massages, and lymphatic drainage is suggested for different issues and people would use them for healing.



It is believed that healthcare should focus more on healing than suppressing the symptoms. This is what intrigued Supriya to curate a wellness model that allows in finding the root cause of health issues in people. This practice centers around a deep understanding of the patient's unique biological system and the usage of customized natural therapies to support the healing process in the long run.

The focus is on treating people through progressive natural health solutions. We provide comprehensive Ayurvedic charts and inventive natural therapies to generate effective and lasting results in the body.

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Dedicated To Patient Care Using Natural Therapies

A certified nutritional wellness expert for the last 28 years in natural medicine, she emphasizes the patient as a whole entity rather than focusing on specific body parts. She aims at healing diabetes, blood pressure, weight loss, skin issues, hormonal imbalances and general wellness.

She also customizes unique ayurvedic Indian facials and Ubtan for special occasions like weddings, detox treatments and retreats for every individual and recommends according to the skin type and skin concerns. This holistic approach works at the root cause thereby providing overall wellness and not only symptomatic relief. She has conducted several workshops on meditation and the importance of healthy living and healthy eating for all age groups.

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